Christian Reidys wrote:
> I hope you find the time answering this one: I have installed mandrake 7.2
> via an Abit KT7 Raid board and have to change motherboards to an Asus A7V.
> Can I just use the existing mandrake installation or do I have to install
> mandrake completely, again?
> Thank you for your help,
> duck
The chipsets arthe same so I can't see a huge problem,the only thing
that worries me is the fact that you will be going from ide-raid to
standard ide.
what I would suggest is create a partition and call it /store or
something of that nature and put all your files you do not want to lose
in there and then try it and let us know I am pretty sure kudzu will
pick it up and ask you to configure it.
On the console(not xwindow) type ntsysv and make sure kudzu is enabled I
think it is enabled by default.
Pop it in and see!!
Please mail me with what happened beacause In was actually curios about
that myself.

Cheers from sunny South-Africa


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