Kris wrote:
> I can't count how many times I have had this happen... and not just
> with 7.2 - I had it a lot with 7.0 (486) and 7.1 as well.
> I finally gave up trying to install those releases on those particular
> machines and went with either Redhat or Slackware. The rest of
> the machines had no problem with any version of
> Linux-Mandrake - go figure!
> It came down to the motherboards in the end.  No combination of
> hardware would install LM on those motherboards (and I can make
> a lot of combinations with 4 brands of cdrom and 5 brands of hard
> drives - IDE and SCSI, not to mention the various controllers I tried).
> registered linux user where did I put the number...ohno I've
> lost my identity---aaaaaarrrrrrggggghhhhh!
> On 18 Dec 2000, at 22:42, mike wrote:
> > I had the exact same problem during install of Mandrake 7.2 after
> > trying BIOS settings and searching for help for 2 weeks I have given
> > up trying to install 7.2 on my computer. It stops the install after
> > failing to initialize RAMDISK. If anyone does know how to correct this
> > install error, I'd like to know, Mandrake support has not responded to
> > my questions...
> >
I have that problem with Red-Hat 7.0!!
What a dud

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