First off, what mail program are you using?  Sometimes Pine has a problem
with certain things, one reason why I don't use it.

But it depends on what file permissions you need the file to be.  For 
example, here's what one folder I have looks like.

-rw-------   1 tdh      other       73443 Dec 11 11:09 saved-messages

Works with no problems at all.  So if you just need to make a file 
read write, try this command.

chmod 600 <file_name>

Take a look a the man pages for chmod. They might help a little bit.
T. Holmes

"Real Men use Vi."

* marcia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [001221 13:26]:
> Dear All, Whenever I try to save an email to a directory or file I get a
> no permission allowed dialog. How do I change this? Thank you for your
> help. Marcia

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