Today, and I don't know why, the X server doesn't want to start .
I use to let my computer to run 24/24, and yesterday when I went to 
bed, I left my computer running, (I just turn off my screen as usual).
This morning, I tried to fire up kppp, and I got a message something 
like : "I can't create the modem lock file".
Then I loged out from kde, and tried to restart it.

As user "fm" (my login), this is the message I have now  each time  I 
try to launch "startx" ;-(
"authentification failed - cannot start X server.
Perhaps you do not have console ownership".

And as "root", this is the message I have :
"The XKeyboard keymap compiler (xkbcomp) reports :
Error Cannot open "compile/server-0.xkm" to write keyboard description.
Couldn't load XKB keymap, falling back to pre-XKB keymap.
localhost being added to access control list
waiting for Xserver to shut down."

What can I do to make it to work as it did ?
Thank you. Francois

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