On Monday 25 December 2000 07:39 pm, Les Owens wrote:
> I'm new to the list today, started my LM7.2 install last night, have
> a ton of questions, but thought I'd say hi first and wish all the
> best of the season - whatever your preferences.

Welcome Les,
   I gather you're new to Linux also (?)  There's a lot of information 
on you main menu under Documentation.  If you paste
file:/usr/share/doc/rute-0.3.0/rute.pdf     into the Location line in 
Konqueror you'll have a 194 page general tutorial to read on using 
Linux.   http://mandrakeuser.org/   is a great site for Mandrake 
tutorials, tips & tricks, trouble shooting, etc.    
http://jgo.local.net/LinuxGuide/  and   http://www.linuxnewbie.org/   
are other good sites.  If you do a Google search 
( http://www.google.com/ ) and use 'linux' and any other appropriate 
keyword to your query, it'll turn up a ton of links.  If you still have 
a question(s), you should try searching the mailing list archives (both 
newbie and expert) first.  They're your best chance and you'll get 
quicker answers.  The archives are at  

   Linux' best documentation is online.  It's less dated than books and 
other print docs.  Still, there's been such substantial changes in 
Linux, most all distros latetly, and you should keep that in mind if 
the information you find "just doesn't seem to fit".  So, search the 
archives, and if you still have a question, fire away.  It's best to 
try to keep each post to one question.
Tom Brinkman       [EMAIL PROTECTED]     Galveston Bay

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