As I am typeing this I am thinking of two small errors I just had while getting

The first is a missing charset error./ Easy to fix if I could just find the
dialog to set up fonts.

The OOther is this speed. Now I am getting email something is makeing the
computer hang fot a fere seconds before anything happens. As I type nothing
appearso nt the screen for about 5 secds. That is why my typeing is dso bad.
Just wondering what could be causeing these slow downs.. I just had to
reinstall linux after bindows refused to upgrade without a full install and I
forgot to unplug my linux drives. 

Final problem is my 8 gig windows partiton, hdb9. Windows wont see it because
my linux partitions come before it. I could fix the problem but not without
completly reformating and repatritinh 3 for my drives.

Now that I thyink about it I have one more. I have just gotten my ncrishtmas
money and it is going towards a new network card. Is there anything I should
know before I plugin this card (isa, bnc) in here. Another will go in an old
386 8mi ram which will be used as a fileserver and for some work im doing with
distributed computing. th4e server will be running linux and will be running
only on remote admin via telnet and ftp soon as Im done with some surgury on the
keyboard controler.

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