Revenant wrote:
> John Arkoulis wrote:
> >Can you please point me at a site (independent) that I can compare the new
> >fast CPUs (P4 1.4, Dual G4, Athlon)
> >Yes I know G4 is a MAC.
> >Which one do you think is best for Linux???
> >Thanks
> is pretty good.  Doesn't cover the Mac,
> but of the other two, the short version is: Intel chips perform slightly
> faster at the same MHz, but can cost as much as 2.5x as much.  Intel
> have also been having a few stability probs lately.
>   Re: The P4s, they seem to be roughly the equivalent of P3s of the same
> MHz (if there were such a thing).  They get a big performance boost if
> the software is P4-optimised but, as none of it is at the moment, that's
> a fairly nebulous advantage. has more on
> this.

One problem with the Pentium 4 is that not all Linux distributions are
supporting it at the moment.  I think Redhat 'supports' it, but Caldera
and Mandrake haven't jumped on to the bandwagon.  What this 'support'
means is that the installation will recognize the CPU as a Pentium 4,
and install accordingly.

I have yet to install Linux on my G4 400MHz tower yet (I know, it's only
single CPU), but based on my reading, I am aware that you will need a
Linux distribution that will really take real advantage of SMP.  I am
under the impression that Yellow Dog Linux will be much better at this
than Linux PPC 2000.

Po Kwok
Sydney, Australia

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