
> But how can I run an .exe file in linux??

  Only if the app is actually something that runs in Linux.  The
extensions, in most cases in Linux, are arbitrary.

  In this case, not likely.  But again, if you can find a way to
get it to floppy, you may have a chance.  If it's not bootable,
as was my bios update, your options are limited to either
installing, at least, dos, or asking a friend to run the exe,
which would likely ask for a floppy to format & install the bios
boot to.

> Thats why I like unix (Linux) better than dos or windows,
> hehehe.

  I'll go along with that.  All I can find Windows being better
for than a nix is as a game platform.  Particularly since now
with lm7.2 & Enlightenment 0.15, as opposed to RH 6.0 & whatever
version of E came with that, I don't have to reboot at least once
a day as I also had in Windows (though Windows often required
multiple boots in a 24 hour period).

  Good luck.


  "I did this 'cause Linux gives me a woody."
  -Dave '-ddt->' Taylor, announcing DOOM for Linux

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