Paul wrote:
> On Fri, 5 Jan 2001, Ronald J. Hall wrote:
> >and best of all, I've got a Linux "Cool" keyboard...that should overqualify me
> >right there! <grin>
> Hi Ronald,
> Could you inform me what makes your keyboard so special?
> Paul

Hi, as you can tell from the "<grin>", that was a bit of a joke. ;-)

It is a Linux specific keyboard in that it has penguins in place of Windows
keys, and it says "Linux Cool Keyboard" in the upper left hand corner. It also
has pre-made keys so that my <control> key is just left of my left pinkie,
instead of <caps>. Just the way I prefer it. ;-)

PS You can do a search on Google and find various places to buy it. Average
price is $34. I just love it! ;-)


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