On Tuesday 09 January 2001 07:53 am, Till Kamppeter wrote:
> "Engr. Oba, Ryan Rudolf Castroverde" wrote:

> > Are external modems supported by Linux-Mandrake? Can I just by any
> > brand of external modem, and hope that it will work uner
> > Linux-Mandrake?
> As I know nearly all are supported. "winmodems" are always internal
> (PCI card or on-board).

 No!, there are many excellent PCI and ISA internal modems.  

    Here we go again ;>   I believe this is dangerous advice for a 
newbie if not qualified explicitly.  If someone has to ask these kinds 
of modem questions, it's obvious they've not done the hardware 
investigation that Linux (or any OS) requires _before_ obtaining and 
installing it.

  So, some ISA, PCI, and EXTERNAL modems ARE winmodems, some of each 
are real hardware modems.  Any prospective modem needs to be 
investigated for it's suitabilility with Linux    
'Specially since even hardware modems aren't created equal. Some 
chipsets/controllers work better with U*ix than others. 'Bout the only 
blanket statements that are always true ... Winmodems aren't suitable 
for use even with Windoze.  There's a lot (and increasingly so) amount 
of win-hardware which is junk, not just modems, which is not suitable 
for use even with Windoze.   M$, and those consumers who blindly buy 
this junk are responsible for it's existence.

   The situation is getting so bad that Uncle Billy is now arm twisting 
even bios providers as to what they can/can't include as bios options.
EG, ability to disable ACPI, disable Plug'n Pray, etc. 
Tom Brinkman       [EMAIL PROTECTED]     Galveston Bay

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