On Friday 12 January 2001 08:21 pm, bascule wrote:
> can someone tell me exactly what files menu editor edits 

   I don't really know, but take a look at /home/<user>/.menu/menu
Somewhere I saw a mini-howto on how to manually edit that file to add/
subtract menu items, but I don't remember where.

> i cannot therefore personalise my menus except by editing the icon
> files by hand and this only lasts until i logon again, this isn't th
> only sort of change that gets undone but that's another story

> i would be grateful if someone could help me to personalise my menus
> with some certainty of those change being permanent!
> bascule

      I had similar behavior, particularly for menu items I added for 
non-Mandrake apps I've added, and for some reason a few apps like 
Archiver.  Here's my work-around.  When the menus are how I want them, 
I copy /home/<user>/.kde/share/applnk/  (the dir and all it's files) to 
a bakup dir (eg, /home/tom/bakup/applnk). Then I logout as user and 
login as root.  I start two instances of Konqueror, and drag the 
/home/<user>/bakup/applnk dir onto the /home/<user>/.kde/share/applnk/ 
dir and OK the overwrite.  Really all I'm doing by this is to make root 
the owner and group of my user menus, and I also have menu bakup.

    I'm sure there's a more elegant way to do this, but I've been doin 
it this way since 7.2b3/KDE1.94.  Thru numerous upgrades to KDE2, XF-4,
etc.  I've never lost my user menu changes.  'Course I have to go thru 
the above process all over again to add or delete anything on my menu, 
but it works, so I keep doin it this way.  Also, some apps, eg, 
Staroffice, aren't 7.2 menu compatible. So you'll need to make your own 
menu item for those since, my method above won't keep them.

   Also, I don't use icons. I hate 'em.  First thing I do after an 
install, any OS, is to delete all the icons in /Desktop to clean 'em 
off the desktop (trash can is a little difficult) ;>>
Tom Brinkman       [EMAIL PROTECTED]     Galveston Bay

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