On Saturday 13 January 2001 03:21, you wrote:
> can someone tell me exactly what files menu editor edits because on my
> system it does not edit those files under ~/.kde/share/applnk/....i know
> this because if i use the menueditor to change the command for kpackage
> to include kdesu at the beginning it is not reflected in my menu, in
> fact menu editor reports the command to execute as kpackage -u, whereas
> ~/.kde/share/applnk/...../kpackage.desktop>right
> click>properties>execute shows kpackage -u -caption etc.etc (or some
> such-it's definitely not the same though).  if i change this here to
> read 'kdesu kpackage etc' then launching from the menu gives me a
> password box before launching kpackage BUT, AFTER I LOG OUT AND LOGON
> AGAIN it has been reset to launch kpackage in user mode,
> i cannot therefore personalise my menus except by editing the icon files
> by hand and this only lasts until i logon again, this isn't th only sort
> of change that gets undone but that's another story
> i'm using kde under lm7.2 i have always found this to be the case depite
> several reinstalls (for other reasons), the last reinstall was onto
> freshly formatted space incl. the /home partition.
> i would be grateful if someone could help me to personalise my menus
> with some certainty of those change being permanent!
> bascule
do not use the kde menu editor...

Do not use the editor off the panel

bring up a terminal

$ su -
password: (root password)
# cd /home/username
# menudrake
Make your changes in the menu and then hit the Save button and wait.

When the message banner at the bottom says save completed--you are OK

If you try to edit menus as a user with menudrake in a terminal, you will see 
that it fails to save to /etc/menu because the permissions are wrong.


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