> I have all the time in the world   :-)
> I would like to avoid having to download 2*650 MB. I don't need support for
> any other languages, for a start. I just don't know what I need for the
> base system, and where I should put them.
> Ardavan

If that's the case you could make a directory on your hard disk and download 
the entire tree onto your local drive. Yes...thats correct I said the entire 
tree. For the install at least you will need to the entire tree from the FTP 
site. I would think that would include everything under the 7.2 distribution 
directory depending upon which FTP server you're connecting to for this 
bohemuth of a task. And it IS a big one. All the more reason that you might 
want to consider ordering the CD's from some place like Cheapbytes. $3.99US 
for both CD's and no worries.

But, if downloading 1.2GB of data is what you're into, then by all 
means...have at it.

"If you don't share your concepts and ideals, they end up being worthless," 
"Sharing is what makes them powerful."

                                Linus Torvalds

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