At 09:31 17.01.2001 -0300, you wrote:
>Hi, I wanna know if somebody could install win2K and LM7.2 on the same 
>hard disk.
>I couldn't yet. I made the following:
>(30 HB HD)
>1- I partition the disc in one FAT32 unit, and leave the rest of the disc free
>2- I installed win2K on this partition (FAT32) , without any other extra 
>(Is there any option not to install the win2K boot manager?)
>3- I installed LM7.2 on the rest of the disc , without any other extra 
>option than lilo boot manager
>4- I thought the lilo must work well and lilo would overwrite the W2K boot 
>manager, but it didn't happen. My matchine started with a black screen 
>with the "S" in each part of the screen.
>How can I install these Systems in the same hard disc?


look at this website........should help u although it is out of the suse 
support db, i managed to get my dual boot system working with it :



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