in /etc/fstab ypu can enter a umask setting to set the permissions for the 
drive, for some reason the umask figure is the permissions you want taken 
from 777 (in numeric form) so if you set umask to equal 777 the permisions 
for the drive would be 0 all round however since root can lock itself out of 
files (but always with the ability to unlock itself) i don't know if this 
will give you what you want since it might prevent root access, but i think 
you can also set a user and group for the drive, i have seen these options in 
linuxconf along with umask so setting user and group to root and umask to 666 
should work i guess, i 'm sure someone will say if i am wrong -at least, i 
hope they will!- i have a feeling that setting permmisions for the mount 
point doesn't actually do anything once a drive is mounted on that directory


On Wednesday 17 January 2001  1:18 am, you wrote:

> > I am using Mandrake 7.2 on a multi boot machine.  I am trying to only 
> the root user to access 2 of my windows 98 partitions.  I have security set
> to medium.  The only way I seem to be able to stop access to these drives
> is by going to High security (pain in the arse, then no one but root can
> access any of the mnt drives) or unmount the drives. I've used linuxconf to
> try to change the settings, but it doesn't seem to take affect.  Also, I've
> logged in in console mode and used the chmod command to change it (chmod
> 700 win_c).  It acts like it's working, but then when I log back as a user
> I can still access them? I've set linuxconf to not mount the drives at
> boot, and that works, but I would like to mount them in case I need to
> access a file on them, I'm just a little paranoid because I have a dsl
> connection and want to limit access just in case someone gets in. Thanks in
> advance,

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