My suggestion is send me your box! drool drool

"Blomquist, Niklas" wrote:
> Hi all!
> I have just download the MD 7.2 and installed it om my computer.
> It's a Asus AV7, AMD 1000MHz, 256MB Ram, 3 Harddrives.
> I magages to get the ATA100 to work, but it s l o w. It takes log time
> before the program starts and it takes log time to start the computer.
> I did run MD 6 or 7 before, but my grafic card wasn't supported (asus 7100,
> gefore2 MX). And tha was working fine, exept for I just got 640*480 :-)
> Any suggestions?
> Regards
> Niklas Blomquist

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