At 11:20 19.01.2001 -0500, you wrote:

>Now that you have the BNC port working, could you go thru my original
>debugging message again, and once again post the results.
>I curious as to why you are manually doing things like setting up routes and
>Normally this should all be handled by Linuxconf as part of Mandrake
>configuration tools.
>Normally Linuxconf does a pretty good job at doing all of this, and getting
>things right.
>Let me know.

hi jose,

just 1h ago i (again) just played around with the win box trying to ping 
the unix machine.....i issued a few broadcast pings which didnt seem to 
work, and then (once again) tried to ping the linux machine 
directly.....and to my surprise *BOOM*......i got a response from the unix i was jumping up and down in front of my computer *g*.....i 
cant tell why it works clue......but it does...;)
and that is what matters......

yes u are right what the routing table is concerned, but from what i had 
read in the various howtos i assumed that i had to set the routes myself, 
not noticing that mandrake was doing this for me when activating the eth0 
so right now i commented my routing commands out of the rc.local and let 
mandrake do the routing......and it (seems) to least at the 
moment ;)

so many thanks to you for helping me out, and making things clearer for me...;)



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