On Sunday 21 January 2001 22:03, you wrote:
> > How can i install ppp ????
> This is interesting.  Did your copy also come from Wal-Mart?
> I have a boxed version of 7.2 Complete which, I'm told, may not be so
> complete.  Among other things, it's KDE 2.0 is not the final version but a
> Beta.  Apparently, a disk is now on it's way to amend.  Thing is, I also
> got the message that it couldn't find the ppp daemon (pppd) and that I
> should install it.  I dug out RpmDrake and found the files related to pppd
> (there were 2, I think) and prepared to install them along with
> Enlightenment and the parts of Gnome that weren't installed initially.  It
> kept telling me that it couldn't communicate with the CD ROM (though it's
> actually a CD-RW and there are 2 of them in Device Manager though only one
> on my machine.. in addition to a CD-ROM which appears as it should in
> Device Manager).  That's another issue to swim through.  I may also have a
> Winmodem.  Rats.
> In this version of LM 7.2, the KDE is in Beta as I say.  I have 2 users set
> up:  "dave" and "root".  The kicker in root works fine and looks just as it
> did in the screen shots on the web tutorials.  However, there is no kicker
> loaded (and a message telling me so) in dave.  (Side note: When does a
> single user of a machine use root and, in this case, dave?)  Apparently,
> this is one of the issues that the update disk they're sending will solve.
> More frustratingly, one of many, many points of difference between the
> software and the manual included with it is illustrated on page 64 of the
> manual.  In that illustration, the text in the window (of available
> packages from which to choose to install) shows KDE and quite a number of
> others which are not evident in my installation screen and the ones both
> (the manual and my software version) share in common are in a different
> order.  The first two times I installed Linux (never used it before Friday
> night), I selected all the available options but 2; one on personal
> finances and another for Palm Pilot device interfaces, neither of which I
> have.  <g>  About 75% of the data in this 4 minute install came from the
> first disk with the remainder coming from the second (of the 4 in the
> package).
> Below that window is a button to install all components.  That choice does
> install KDE and Gnome (but only 2 other desktop environments, not
> Enlightenment, BlackBox or any others that looked interesting in the
> tutorials on the website).  Strangely, all but the last 10 seconds of data
> of a 6 minute install came from the first disk.
> If the manual said a particular choice detailed there might not be a choice
> for either recommended or custom modes, it was not not available in this
> package's custom instalation.  Even if the manual warned only that it may
> not be an available choice in recommended mode installations, it was not
> available in the custom mode of this early 7.2 version of LM.  In fact,
> there were only 2 choices: 300MB minimal and custom installations.  There
> are many other differences, too.
> What I'm going to do is to just play with what I have for now.  As soon as
> I can get a fully functional copy of less dubious integrity, I'll work more
> diligently to make my hardware work.  With this arrangement, I am thinking
> it futile.  Maybe what I'll do to pacify myself in the meanwhile is to buy
> a modem (to replace my 33.6 winmodem) that is possibly capable of faster
> download speeds, set up my download manager in Win98 and download the ISO
> images for the disks from the web.  I am glad to have the manual and the
> books and so forth on the other 2 disks but darn-it, it sure would be nice
> to have a copy that works.
> I am glad to have gotten this far in one weekend, though.  I delayed Linux
> for close to 2 years, unsure that I'd be able to "do" it.  I've read the Re
> Hat newslist from time to time and it appeared as though people, much
> brighter than I about computers, struggled to install and configure it.
> Universally, people seem broadly satisfied with the system and so I figure
> it'll be worth the effort.  I was surprised at how easily I could run a
> dual OS drive, the choice made with Grub at boot.  I did have some
> partitioning to do both before (with Partition Magic) and during
> installation but they went without a hitch. I see no evidence in Windows
> that Linux even exists on the same machine (and visa versa so far).  My old
> PM v. 3.0 had no trouble resizing and moving partions already in existence
> to accomodate the Linux files.
> On Sun, 21 Jan 2001, Emiliano Ogando wrote:
> > How can i install ppp ????
> > Please an easy way...

Install in expert mode....  

DO NOT choose 100% of the packages unless you go for individual package 
selection afterward and make sure you do not install printpro, or Zope or any 
of the Glide packages (unless you have a Voodoo 3dfx in which case install 
ONLY the one for your card).  75-80% is a good number, but again make SURE 
printpro is not installed.  (It replaces the cups daemon with one of its own 
and when printing stops a month later...  )

When the update disk arrives, follow the special install instructions given at


in the case that you do try the expert install.

Another word, if you have a video card capable of 3D acceleration with 
XFree-4.0.1, do not deviate from the resolution suggested by the installer.  
Most cards will work 3D accel only from 65000 colors (16-bit depth) and 
choosing another depth will break accel permanently.  Once installed, you can 
change resolution, and it may break accel until you change it back or it may 
not, but during install anything other than 16 bit depth will cause a needed 
driver NOT to be loaded.



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