you can buy a domain for 15 USD a year at  For
your internal network?  Just make one up.  I usually use my computer
name plus my ISP.  example would be  I guess I could
be making a horrible mistake here but it's never seemed to cause any

Bob Currey wrote:
> As I'm reading this, the install's host name prompt screen sits in front of
> me.  Because of my setup, I am always lost in the how-tos as far as host
> name is concerned.  At the moment, I'm loading a new server.  For the time
> being, it will have eth0 connected to my home net, getting an IP address via
> the DHCP server on my other Linux box which is currently the server.  The
> 2nd NIC at eth1 is not connected at present, and won't be used till I
> replace the old server with this new one, and then eth1 will run a DHCP
> server for the home LAN.
> The fact that I don't have a Domain has caused me tremendous grief, in that
> setting up Apache, Samba, a DNS server, the FTP server, the Proxy server,
> etc, all expect one, when you read the how-tos.  For someone not a Linux
> guru, it makes the stuff incomprehensible, as nothing fits.  For that
> reason, I ended up giving up at least for the time being on installing them
> on my server (both the old one and new one), but would be very grateful if
> someone could explain what I'm supposed to fill in when they want you to put
> in your domain name in these setups.  I spent many hours reading and never
> understood how to set them up as a result.  I imagine anyone else with a
> home LAN that doesn't have a domain name (and this would be normal, I'd
> expect) would be having the same trouble.
> Any clues would be appreciated....  The reload is almost completed (at the
> cost of an afternoon), and I'm guessing from what you say, I'll have the
> same problem again.
> BobC
> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Jose M. Sanchez
> Sent: Sunday, January 21, 2001 3:51 PM
> Subject: RE: [newbie] Help! new 7.2 system has gotten abominably slow
> Sounds like a resolver issue.
> Most applications, including X need to be able to resolv hostnames to IP
> addresses. This even if it's only locally.
> If X cannot determine a local IP then X will not come up right away. Rather
> the applications will hang up until they time out, then things will run
> until you hit the next application.
> I'll also bet that you get a similiar pause during the boot when the mail
> daemons are initialized.
> Check your settings, something is wrong. Your system doesn't know it's own
> name!
> -JMS
> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Bob Currey
> Sent: Sunday, January 21, 2001 10:27 AM
> Subject: [newbie] Help! new 7.2 system has gotten abominably slow
> It started yesterday, after there was a power failure.
> Its a dual PIII - 600 with 1/2 gb SDRAM and dual UW SCSI with dual UW 5.4 ms
> Barracuda drives.  The video is a Creative Labs Savage4 with 32 mb.
> Nooooooooo, it can't be slow!!!   Without running X its horribly slow.  With
> X, its unbelievably slow.
> Without X, if I bring up pine, its 2 MINUTES for the screen to come up!!!
> startx takes 10 MINUTES to come up.  The tips wizard is 15 MINUTES later.
> The drives are barely being hit.  The NIC isn't flashing.  There are no
> error messages on the screens except the 2nd NIC failing at boot (which I
> expect, until I connect it to the cable modem, in the meantime, its just a
> station on my internal home LAN).  It seems like pine runs at normal speed
> (comparatively) once its up.  pico seems to come up fine by itself.
> Am I at another reload?  Any suggestions how to diagnose?  I shut it down,
> powered back up, and when that didn't fix it, I rebooted and ran full tests
> on the drives, checked the BIOS setup.  Then I tried windoze 98 and it runs
> fine.  Shutdown is quick, too, for some reason...
> Help!
> BobC

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