On Sunday 21 January 2001 04:41, you wrote:
> Getting back in can be done with a boot disk (which hopefully you made
> when asked if you wanted one).  If it were lilo, it would just be a
> matter of running /usr/sbin/lilo.  Try that with grub and see if it
> works for you.  (/usr/sbin/grub)
You can also get back in this way:

Put in your install CD#1

at the splash screen hit F1 and type "rescue"

Now we hope you remember which partition on the hard disk that you put the 
filesystem labeled /.  If you don't, then run this

# fdisk /dev/hda

where # is the system prompt and the other keystrokes are yours.  You will 
then have a look at the partition table--record all partitions where the type 
is "Linux Native"  Lets say for example that your linux native partitions are 
listed as /dev/hda5 /dev/hda7 and /dev/hda9

Do this

# mount /dev/hda5 /mnt
# cd /mnt/etc

If you get an error message that the directory doesn't exist issue this 

# umount /dev/hda5
and try the next on your list.

If it changes directory then
# cd /
# chroot /mnt
# /sbin/lilo
# shutdown -r now

And remove your boot CD.

You will be using lilo, but you should be able to change back to grub (both 
stay in sync through drakboot).


> > Chris Hall wrote:
> > Hello,
> >    I recently had to reinstall Winblows and it wiped out Grub. How can
> > I get back into linux and set it back up? Thanks!

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