You should also try running appz from the StarOffice suite.  It should
come installed *STANDARD* with Mandrake 7.2.  But you should be able 
to create and open Office2000 files in StarOffice with very little
problems.  And there should be NO problems opening Office9x in StarOffice.

If it did not come installed, check your Mandrake CDs for the RPMS, or 
download the packages.

Personally I don't do anything on Office.  But I have been sent docs from
other people that I just open in various StarOffice appz and have had no
problems todate.

But running Office2000 in Wine... would be a very bad idea!  Wine itself
is a beast to configure and in my experience, not worth the work you put
into it.  But I've known people actually boot Win98 via Wine, but if you
ask my opinion, avoid it like the plague!
T. Holmes

"GUI... BAD!  Console.. GOOOOD!! :0)"

* Blomquist, Niklas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [010122 00:24]:
> All,
> I have installed MD 7.2 for a couple of days ago, and dam, I like it!
> But on my work do I need to run Office 2000. Is there any way to run Office
> 2000 under Linux (exept from VMWare)?
> Is there any Windows-emulator that works?
> /N

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