
> Hi, thanks that I could install my LM7.2 and W2K in the same
> hard disk without any trouble and with grub as the boot
> manager!

  Well, let's say with "some" trouble.  I too ran into trouble
with ntfs.  When I'd installed lm7.2 on my girlfriend's box, I'd
alrady an existing dual-boot between RedHat 6.0 & W2k.  That
install, deleting the RedHat partition & installing lm7.2, went
fine & rw access to w2k existed without any special work from me
except during the lm install.

  When I went to do the same on my Dell 500MHz box, I'd gone from
a RedHat 6.0 only to dual-boot lm7.2 & W2k.  After the first
attempt where W2k decided that it didn't want to install on the
first, 10GB, partition & installed on the second, 17GB,
partition, I started over just setting up a 10GB partition
leaving the remaining unformatted.

  Got eveything installed &, wouldn't you know it, I couldn't
mount the W2k partition rw -- it would only allow ro.  I'd even
planned to recompile my kernel to be sure that the ntfs rw module

  I didn't bother though.  I'm getting another scanner
(eventually) from my father, so I'd reinstalled W2k on vfat to
make things siimpler since W2k, now, is only for Windows & DOS
games -- once I get the scanner, if it doesn't work in Linux, I
should be able to get something out of W2k.

> May be I have to install something.

  I would suggest you recompile.  There are two ntfs kernel
modules -- one is ro, the other (though considered experimental,
I've used it with both NT 4.0 & W2k without any trouble) is rw.
You want to be sure both are set to install -- not just probe --
at boot.

  If you'd like, after you do some reading (if you've never
compiled a kernel), I can send you a short explanation & the easy
steps tonight.

  Lemme know.


  "I did this 'cause Linux gives me a woody."
  -Dave '-ddt->' Taylor, announcing DOOM for Linux

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