
> Ok it would be very usefull to install this modules and to
> recompile my kernel in order to view ntfs in LM7.2, I accept
> because I have never done it.
> Thanks!!!!

  No problem.

  Now, though trouble rarely occurse, be sure to back up your
data first.  And be sure to read my instructions to the end
before you begin.

  If you've not installed your kernel source (ls -al
/usr/src/linux-2.2.17 or whatever version of the kernel you have
in /usr/src) do so from your CD now.

  Log out of XWindows &, log out as user, log in as root & open
X, in a terminal type after the #:

1. # cd /usr/src/linux-2.2.17
2. # make xconfig
In here, you'll mostly just want to look round & become familiar
(to some degree) with the layout -- someday you'll be coming in
to make specific changes for new hardware.  For now, you want to
go to the OS tab (it may be a little different in your version),
scroll down to the section for NT/W2k/ntfs, etc (it will likely
read ntfs).  There are two settings.  The first, which is already
set to load, is for read only access.  There is another there for
read/write access (you may find it in another sub section,
requiring you click a button to get to it).  Click on the option
to load the module at boot as opposed to probing (I don't think
it'll even allow probing, so just "turn it on".  OK or save out &
3. # make dep
4. # make clean
5. # make bzimage
6. # make modules
7. # make modules_install

  Each of these from number 5 will take a little time, so
be prepared.  There's one last step, but if you want to continue
using grub as your boot loader instead of lilo, you'll have to
read the grub documentation.  You see, for those of us who prefer
(or only use) lilo, the next step is to tell lilo (if grub, it's
telling grub) that you've a new kernel.  This, with lilo, is
done by:

8. # make bzlilo

  I don't know the command for grub.  Sorry.

  You shouldn't have any trouble.  Once you've finished &
rebooted, try cd'ing to your W2k directory.  Once there, do this:

either as user or root (user might be better, but if root can do
it, there's just a matter of making a few changes to some
things).  Now type:

pico test

& press your Enter key.  Type a few characters & do Ctrl x to
close pico.  Then pico asks if you want to save the changes.
Press y for yes & press Enter to save it as "test".  Now, watch
the status line to see if pico saves the file or tells you it
can't.  There's no reason it shouldn't save the file, but if
you'd done so as user, su to root & try it again.

  If it still won't save, the partition isn't in r/w mode.  So,
cd to roots home, umount your W2k directory, check /etc/fstab to
be sure fstab says to mount in r/w mode (the last bit on the line
for your W2k partition should read something like this:

user,exec,umask=0 0 0

  If it is different, change it to what's above.

  Remount the W2k partition & try it again.  Should be fine:-).


  "I did this 'cause Linux gives me a woody."
  -Dave '-ddt->' Taylor, announcing DOOM for Linux

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