On Monday 22 January 2001 12:53, you wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I am getting back into the Linux world after 5 years.  We're a huge NT shop
> and I now need to get some stability in here!  I've researched the current
> distributions and have decided to go with Mandrake.  I started my Linux
> days using the Slackware release and it appears a lot has changed in 5
> years! I'd like to here from some of you to make sure I have made the right
> decision and to find out about any "Gotchas"!
> Where are all of the latest HOW-To's etc..??  I hope to be a regular
> contributor soon.
HOWTOs are on your installation diskettes and on www.linuxdoc.org

Manuals are on the menu for any non-server installation.

/usr/share/doc has a little additional information

www.mandrakeuser.org has tips and tricks

www.linux-mandrake.com/en/72last.php3 has some dodges for the odd hardware 

www.linux/mandrake.com (Demos) has some nice tutorials and a few fixes.

www.mandrakeforum.com has discussions and sometimes detail on warps, tips, 
and tricks as technical articles.

This mailing list and the expert mailing list are both archived and the 
archive has a nice search engine.  Links to the archives are at 

You will probably want to take a machine where you have done a workstation or 
development install and familiarize yourseld with webmin by opening konqueror 
or netscape and using this URL

login as root with the root password and browse what you can do.

There is corporate server 1.0.1 which has a collection of very stable 
packages and is updated on a schedule suitable for servers.  Then there is 
the regular distro which always has some very new stuff and seems to be 
produced about 2.7 times per year.  Finally there is cooker--the open 
development process--which has the most bleeding-edge things available.  At 
present, new compilers, rpm versions, and libraries have made cooker not 
forward compatible with 7.2 though cooker is backwards compatible to 7.2 
applications.  /Mandrake-devel/unsupported contains quite a few rpms of the 
newest packages compatible with 7.2, including KDE 2.1 Beta.  User-made 
packages are at places announced on www.mandrakeforum.com.

Welcome to the community.


> Thanks,
> Jim

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