On Tuesday 23 January 2001 06:37 am, Kelly, Christopher wrote:
> I was playing around with hdparm last night, and I found my optimal
> settings. Now, here is my question. I know that I have to add a line
> somewhere in /etc/rc.d/???. Can someone please give me instructions
> on how to make my hdparm settings reload upon start-up?

    Add the line to the end of rc.local in the /etc/rc.d/  directory 
with any text editor (as root).   I like to use 'mc'.  Start an Xterm,
type 'cd /etc/rc.d', then 'mc'.  Scroll down to the file 'rc.local' and 
press <F4>.  This opens the file for editing. Add your hdparm line to 
the end of the file and press <F2> to save. <F10> exits 'mc'.  Now, 
while your still in the dir, /etc/rc.d/, type './rc.local'  which runs 
rc.local and the hdparm line you just added.  No need to reboot, but 
when you do reboot the machine in the future, the hdparm line will be 
run (as is everything in rc.local) on boot up.
Tom Brinkman       [EMAIL PROTECTED]     Galveston Bay

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