is your bios/cmos able to take a 45 gb hdd
if answer = yes then win2000 needs a patch  to be able to use the 45 gb hdd
but i expected it to be in there after sp3 in win nt 4.0

At 04:35 PM 27/01/2001 Saturday, you wrote:

>Now this is a bit strange but I just had a similar problem with a 20 gig WD
>hd. (20 gig only showing up as 7.0gig after a windows2000 ntfs format) and
>when I went to format it back to fat32 it showed up as 7.0 gig also.  I
>would change it in the bios only to reboot and have it go right back.  (it
>detected in the bios as the correct size until I saved and exited [yes I
>saved =) ])  I ended up having to use the WD utility to write 0's to the
>drive and then auto detect in the bios.  I never did get this drive to work
>with windows2000.  I don't know if it is the same thing here but I used
>partition magic to format to ntfs and totally messed the drive when I tried
>to format under windows2000!
> > [linatic@intrude linatic]$ df
> > Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
> > /dev/hda5             235M  152M   72M  68% /
> > /dev/hda8             8.5G  6.9G  1.2G  86% /home
> > /dev/hda6             2.9G  892M  1.9G  32% /usr
> > /dev/hda7             6.8G  655M  5.9G  10% /var
> > /dev/hdd1             7.7G   20k  7.3G   0% /mnt/backup
> > [linatic@intrude linatic]$
> >
> >
> >
> > Any of you guys have any similar experiences?   U fdisk a new drive, then
> > format it ext2 and your 45G drive only shows up ast 7gigs?   Any idea
> > I should look?  I followed the Administrator's guide.
> >
> > which said to just mke2fs -cv /dev/hdd1
> >
> > so I need to mess with inodes and block sizes?
> >
> >
> > On the original HD:  (has more partitions)
> > blocks = 19,687,657 on the 8.5 part  /dev/hda2
> > start 51 end 2501
> >
> > On the new HD:
> > blocks = 8,241,344  on the 7.7 gig part /dev/hdd1
> > start 1 end 16352
> > Partition 1 does not end on cylinder boundryphys=(1,254,63) should be
> > (1,15,63)
> >
> >
> > I think this is a CHS issue.   Any ideas on where I would go...  too bad
> > IBM drives don't have a"How to install in Linux, eh?"
> >
> >

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