Vic: The french ftp site (cyril) has always given me the fastest
connections. Get everything in the folder. As far as KDE goes, it's 
the best yet! I have the same kernel.

Vic wrote:
> Scuse Rex's abuse.
> I think I shall try the beta downloads if they will not
> hose out my system, I do become very upset if
> something bunks it up and I don't know enuf to
> dig into every little config file, I just re-install.
> Which ones have you installed onto 7.2 ?
> My install is on a AMDK6 400 64M ram
> kernel 2.2.17-21mdk
> installed from the download of 7.2 iso
> Should I download from the post that Romanator
> did ? I can't find the post from Chris.
> Thanks for all the info
> On Saturday 27 January 2001 01:41 pm,  Mark Weaver wrote:
> > Vic,
> >
> > Have you done any of the KDE updates from the batch that Chris has posted
> > to the list about? Since coming from KDE2.0 to KDE2.1beta2 I've noticed
> > Konqueror's stability increasing. That might be a help if you haven't
> > installed the upgrades yet.

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