Piece of cake. Follow the steps and you'll be alright.

Good luck!


Vic wrote:
> On Saturday 27 January 2001 08:31 pm,  Romanator wrote:
> Many thankx for all this info,
> if I return to the list, I made it.
> If not, I have drowned in an ocean of
> kde poop.
> Wish me lucjk, see you on the other sied.
> screw the typos I don't wanna correct them now.
> sorry
> later, if I make it back.
> Vic
> > Vic,
> >
> > Here's the help file that I used:
> >
> > If you want to upgrade KDE 2 to KDE2 Beta 2, download the files from the
> > following link:
> >
> > http://atik.ciril.fr/pub/linux//mandrake-devel/unsupported/i586/kde2.1Beta2
> >
> > Step 1.
> > Log on as root and download the kde2.1Beta2 rpms. Copy the rpms to a
> > new folder i.e. kdebeta and save the folder in your root directory.
> >
> > Step 2.
> > Log out of X and log on in "console mode"
> >
> > Step 3.
> > Type in: cd Type in: rpm -Uvh --test *.rpm
> > If everything goes well, remove the -- test. The verbose command will
> > show if something is missing.
> > If you are missing certain rpm files or libraries, navigate back to that
> > ftp site and download the files.
> >
> > Step 4.
> > Type in: rpm --rebuilddb
> > Give this some time and above all do not interrupt it.
> >
> > Step 5.
> > Type in: update-menus -v
> > Give this time. D o not interrupt it.
> > Reboot you computer. That's it.
> >
> > Files to download:
> >
> > arts-2.1-0.20010122.4mdk.i586.rpm
> > jdk-sun-1.2.2-3mdk.i586.rpm
> > kdeaddutils-2.1-0.20010122.2mdk.i586.rpm
> > kdeaddutils-devel-2.1-0.20010122.2mdk.i586.rpm
> > kdeadmin-2.1-0.20010122.3mdk.i586.rpm
> > kdebase-2.1-0.20010122.5mdk.i586.rpm
> > kdebase-devel-2.1-0.20010122.5mdk.i586.rpm
> > kdegames-2.1-0.20010122.2mdk.i586.rpm
> > kdegraphics-2.1-0.20010122.2mdk.i586.rpm
> > kdegraphics-devel-2.1-0.20010122.2mdk.i586.rpm
> > kdelibs-2.1-0.20010122.4mdk.i586.rpm
> > kdelibs-devel-2.1-0.20010122.4mdk.i586.rpm
> > kdelibs-sound-2.1-0.20010122.4mdk.i586.rpm
> > kdelibs-sound-devel-2.1-0.20010122.4mdk.i586.rpm
> > kdemultimedia-2.1-0.20010122.2mdk.i586.rpm
> > kdemultimedia-devel-2.1-0.20010122.2mdk.i586.rpm
> > kdenetwork-2.1-0.20010122.2mdk.i586.rpm
> > kdenetwork-devel-2.1-0.20010122.2mdk.i586.rpm
> > kdepim-2.1-0.20010122.2mdk.i586.rpm
> > kdesdk-2.1-0.20010122.2mdk.i586.rpm
> > kdesupport-2.1-0.20010122.2mdk.i586.rpm
> > kdesupport-devel-2.1-0.20010122.2mdk.i586.rpm
> > kdetoys-2.1-0.20010122.2mdk.i586.rpm
> > kdeutils-2.1-0.20010122.2mdk.i586.rpm
> > kdevelop-2.1-0.20010122.2mdk.i586.rpm
> > kdoc-2.1-0.20010122.2mdk.noarch.rpm
> > koffice-2.1-0.20010122.2mdk.i586.rpm
> > koffice-devel-2.1-0.20010122.2mdk.i586.rpm
> > libarts2-2.1-0.20010122.4mdk.i586.rpm
> > libarts2-devel-2.1-0.20010122.4mdk.i586.rpm
> > qt2-2.2.3-5mdk.i586.rpm
> > qt2-devel-2.2.3-5mdk.i586.rpm
> > qt2-doc-2.2.3-5mdk.i586.rpm
> > quanta-2.1-0.20010122.2mdk.i586.rpm
> > unixODBC-1.8.12-1mdk.i586.rpm

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