SpeedMan wrote:

> On January 28, 2001 12:32 pm, you wrote:
>  Well, here is my linux.conf file:
>  boot=/dev/hda5
>  map=/boot/map
>  install=/boot/boot.b
>  vga=normal
>  default=linux
>  keytable=/boot/us.klt
>  lba32
>  prompt
>  timeout=50
>  message=/boot/message
>  image=/boot/vmlinuz
>         label=linux
>         root=/dev/hda5
>         append=" hdd=ide-scsi"
>         read-only
>  image=/boot/vmlinuz
>         label=failsafe
>         root=/dev/hda5
>         append=" hdd=ide-scsi failsafe mem=256M"  <<<<<right there!!!!
>         read-only
>  other=/dev/fd0
>         label=floppy
>         unsafe
>  So where would I put "mem=128M"? In place of append=" hdd=ide-scsi" or
>  append=" hdd=ide-scsi failsafe"? and wouldn't changing those lines screw
>  with my harddrive? Thanks for the help. I REALLY appreciate it.
> Salman,
> Under default=linux add the line ...
> append="mem=128m"
> Regards,
> SpeedMan


"The day Microsoft makes something that doesn't suck,
is probably the day Microsoft starts making vacuum cleaners."
        - Ernst Jan Plugge

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