I used SUSE for a while.  I didn't like the distro much (Why mount cdrom
on / when there is a /mnt directory?!?!  Why god why?)  and I found that
their mail list was little to no help at all.  in fact I never once
received a single reply to my requests for assistance.

Hope your experience is better then mine was.


GECOS wrote:
> Hello All,
> Saturday evening my HDD failed, installed a new one today with mixed
> feelings about Mandrake, on the failed HDD I had 6 failed installs
> before everything went well, this time I gave up after **8** failed
> installs, different error everytime, I was very disappointed, but
> decided to look elsewhere, SuSE 6.3 first time right (5+GB)
> Corel Linux v2 from my daughter again first time installed without any
> problems.
> So I'm joining SuSE now.
> Cheers,
> Herman

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