On 1/29/01 12:32 PM, "bretzel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> duh!
> I am sorry to have previously posted question about telnet server.
> I should have tried to correct it by myself before crying here...
> My copy of Mandrake Linux 7.2 doen't install the telnet server by default.
> I just installed the proper RPM package ( telnet server (...).rpm from the
> install CD ) ...
> The point is that I did not know it was in a package....
> I am now able to telnet...
> Hey is this mailing list for newbies ?
> So I answered to my self and to who is interested.
> ignore previous message...
> CU 
> Bretzel
Hey, I had the same problem.  I can't believe how frustrating it was!  Does
anyone know how to find out which packages LM 7.2 installs and doesn't
install?  I'd like to know without having to do all the leg work myself.


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