Hi all, sorry I'm a bit behind on e-mail... I'm having the exact problem 
as Andrew.  My Intellimouse wheel doesn't work in Netscape 4.75 but does 
in Konqueror and other apps.  If I take Sridhar's suggestion of running 
"imwheel -k" and then go back to Netscape, the mouse wheel works!  Go 
back to Konqueror, it still works!  Switch back to Netscape -- it doesn't 
work again!!!

Also, I've noticed that if I run DrakConf: Mouse choice, it always shows 
PS/2: Standard.  So, I change it to PS/2: Microsoft IntelliMouse.  Click 
OK and quit DrakConf, then restart it again.  Check my Mouse choice 
again, and it's set back to "Standard."  I'm just curious -- are these 
two issues possibly related?

- jim

On 1/14/01 8:38 PM, Sridhar Dhanapalan spoke the words:
>On Mon, 15 Jan 2001 11:14, Andrew Iovannisci wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Seems that my scroll wheel doesn't scroll with Netscape (v4.75). It works
>> just fine with Konqueror and Kmail, however.
>> I also get some interesting reactions when I click  the wheel.
>> ( By click, I mean push down on the wheel like it was a third button)
>> In Kmail, it pastes the last item copied to the clipboard.
>> In Netscape, when I click the wheel, it does a search for whatever was last
>> copied to the clipboard. Is this normal?
>Yes, it is.
>> Here is what is listed in my /etc/X11/XF86config
>> Section "Pointer"
>>     Protocol    "IMPS/2"
>>     Device      "/dev/mouse"
>>     ZAxisMapping 4 5
>>  # ChordMiddle is an option for some 3-button Logitech mice
>> #    ChordMiddle
>> EndSection
>> I'm running Mandrake 7.2.  The mouse is a Logitech cordless wheel mouse.
>> I've also tried a Microsoft Intellimouse with the same results.
>Your /etc/X11/XF86config looks fine. What version of XFree86 do you have? If 
>it is 3.x than you need to install the imwheel package and then run "imwheel 
>-k"  whenever you start X (I think newer versions of imwheel start 
>automatically with X). If you have version 4.x then you don't need imwheel. 
>To have wheel scrolling work in Netscape click in the frame you want to 
>scroll (if the page has multiple frames) and then use the wheel. Make sure 
>that Num Lock is off.
>> Any input would be appreciated.
>> Andy
>Sridhar Dhanapalan.
>       Your mouse has moved. Windows must be rebooted to acknowledge this change.

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