Hi there all
this is my first post. I have been following the group for some  time and 
have learnt a lot. I am using LM 7.2 and it is excellent`. I finally took 
the plunge and bought myself an external modem. So now I can surf the net on 
LM-and it configured my printer and other stuff. The only thing I am having 
problems with is my CDRW - I have followed the  tutorial but it still will 
not work. I thinkj it may be something to do with permissions and the fact 
that the CDRW is showing twice both as an IDE drive(which it really is )and 
configured under LM as a SCSI. I will keep on trying(and reading the posts).
The great thing about linux is the range of choice it gives to the user 
unlike some other OS I can think of> its harder to use at least initially but 
more rewarding by the same token
For total beginners Linux is hard. I was OK with W98-but I think experienced 
linux users forget that it is necessary to learn a whole new language to get 
to grips with Linux- so even help and advice can be useles if the beginner 
does not understand the language. I think LM 7.2 has made a great start with 
its tutorials- because they are graphically based they overcome some of these 
language problems. Anyway well done LM . I now only use W98 for games. I 
think one of the ways of increasing use of linux generally will be to make it 
easier to configure graphics cards- there is a huge potential market and a 
whole lot of people who would make to change to linux if they could play the 
games more easily. Even so- I have tried Heretic 11 on W98 and its good- but 
it looks and plays better under linux unfortunately I only have a demo for 

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