I think I have that same drive that you're talking about.  I went and bought the 
20 Gigger and put in my system.     Here's what I had to go through.

First of all, the drive would seriously complain if it wasn't part of the MASTER
IDE chain.  Wouldn't even work if it wasn't!  I plugged in the drive, slapped in
my Win98 Bootdisk, formated an away we go.

I later took a 5 GB partition off that drive, (the first partion on the disk)
and then installed 7.1, and later 7.2 Mandrake.

As long as you install the OS, rather the /boot, on the first partion of the 
drive everything will be fine.  I had to learn this trial and error and then 
later found out that information.

Until last night my configuration was

Quantum 12GB
Maxtor 20GB

Pioneer DvD-ROM

The Linux install went just fine with my Win98 on the first 12 GB of the Quantum.
Before I installed Linux I had several disk partions.

C -=>  Win98
"D" -=>  Mandrake 7.2
D -=>  Small drive left over from "pretending to install" Lin4Win
E -=>  Games Drive
F -=>  Extra Drive (Used for backups, and dowloading junk.)

When I installed Mandrake it recognized the other drives and I could access them
for the most part from Mandrake.  (Of course you can't do that from WindBLOZE to
Mandrake though.

I didn't have to use Partition Magic, but I'm all about text based commands and the
like so I always use FDISK in DOS.  You may want to keep with Partition magic, or
whatever you're comfortable with.

There really shouldn't be anything too involved in getting this to work honestly. 
be a PNP for the most part.  (And the PNP doesn't stand for Plug and PRAY this time! 

Hope that's helpful!
T. Holmes

"Real Men use Vi."

* KompuKit <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [010131 22:46]:
> I just bought a 20 gig Maxtor EIDE HD...
> I already have a 8.4 gig Maxtor setup thusly:
> Master drive
>  2 partitions=3 gig for win98, and the rest for Mandrake 7.2
> using Partition Magic 5.0 with Boot Magic to boot to the
> linux part
> I wish to setup the 20 gig...as slave,...
> 8.4 Maxtor (master using (then) win98 alone),... 
> and the slave 20 gig...running 15 gig of mandrake...
> and perhaps..5 gig as a test for other linux OS's...
> from what I understand...I first must setup and format
> the new 20 gig...using MaxBlast Plus boot floppy disk...
> I have a Pentium 233 MMX...with the BIOS version
> being 1997 Award
> -- 
>              Registered Linux User:167369
> <==========    http://www.KompuKit.com     ============>
> Kit Goins                                   ICQ# 7110071
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]                            Lowell, Mass.
> Web Designer          http://www.kompukit.com/kitdesigns
> Personal WebServer:           http://kompukit.dyndns.org
> (Server Runs between M - F 6pm-12am, S & S 12pm-12am EST)

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