At 07:53 AM 02/09/2001 -0500, you wrote:
>O heavens..I've used Blackbox before, but over all I like KDE the best.
>plus, with the new updates for KDE I've put a lot of work into getting KDE
>to where it is at the moment on this system.
>But as far as functionality I think KDE is way ahead of Blackbox. I don't
>have to work as hard to get the same amount done. There's no doubt that BB
>is faster than KDE, but KDE is much more functional even if I'm
>sacrificing a little in speed.

It really depends on what you want to do, and how you define 
"functionality". BlackBox is extremely clean and fast, but the eye-candy is 
minimal. Also, it is not a true "desktop", but rather a window manager. 
Same for my own preference, Window Maker. But WM has more eye-candy 
available, a "different" look than most other window managers, and is also 
small and fast enough to run on a lower-end machine. KDE is easy to use for 
a Windows convert, because most of the keyboard shortcuts are the same, and 
the GUI is quite similar, etc.

If you want a Windows lookalike, use KDE, or perhaps GNOME with a default 
Enlightenment setup. You get plenty of eye-candy, along with the keyboard 
shortcuts and most of the drag-n-drop functionality of Windows. I prefer to 
use aterm (a smaller, faster xterm) for a good chunk of my actual work. I 
don't like a bunch of icons cluttering up my desktop, but I do like a 
select few apps immediately available at the click of a button/icon. For 
the rest, a simple command line to call the program is more than 
sufficient. I also like a pretty wallpaper, and a few desktop gadgets for 
system monitoring. Window Maker provides all of these.

When I get the chance, I will put up a screenshot of my desktop, so you can 
see what I mean.

Dave Sherman
SoftServ Business Systems, Inc.            "Quid quid latine dictum sit,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                  altum viditur."
(763) 569-9839

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