On Fri,  9 Feb 2001 15:27, Ribbo wrote:
> Tanggal 09 Feb 2001, Sridhar Dhanapalan mengatakan,
> > rebooted. The kernel startup halted when trying to mount the new
> > ReiserFS partition as /, giving an error.
> what was the error said?

Here is an extract from my kernel startup messages:

Partition check:
  hda: hda1 hda2
  hdc: [PTBL] [621/128/63] hdc1 hdc2
autodetecting RAID arrays
autorun ...
... autorun DONE
Invalid session number or type of track
Kernel panic: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on 3:01

After running Drakx again, though, I can load Linux fully. My message 
now is a bit different:

autodetecting RAID arrays
autorun ...
... autorun DONE.
VFS: Mounted root (ext2 filesystem).
autodetecting RAID arrays
autorun ...
... autorun DONE.
Invalid session number or type of track
Checking ReiserFS transaction log (device 03:01)

It then proceeds to boot as if there was no error. My system seems 
fine except for this error. Can I just ignore it (since everything 
seems fine otherwise) or is there a way to fix it?

> > After some failed attempts
> > at fixing this, I just decided to do a minimal upgrade of Mandrake
> > 7.2 *over* my ReiserFS data (I know this isn't the best way but
> > it's all I could think of by then) .
> > I installed as little as possible, trying to
> > keep track of what was changed by the installer. The main reason
> > for this was to make the ReiserFS partition fully bootable,
> > nothing else.
> i have 4 partitions on my linux.
> - /  (ext2, 10mb)
> - linux-swap
> - /usr (reiser)
> - /home (reiser, it 'reisered' since i got 2.4.1. kernel)
> if you notice my / is small because i made symlinks from /usr for
> /tmp, /opt, /mnt, /cdrom, /var etc (its 2.5gb /usr)
> the biggest part of my / partition are 2 kernel which i put on /boot
> and / (why i put my kernels to /vmlinuz is a different story :))
> and i Always failed to make my / become reiser.
> the error boot-initial message would be
> "no init found. try passing init option to kernel"
> if i move my / to a reiser partition (i also keep the ext2 / for
> backup and put them to lilo.conf, and edit my fstab)
> sometimes, this 10mb ext2 really annoys me, even it only took secs
> to fsck :)
> > Now all is/seems well with my system. Nevertheless, I shall keep
> > my backups in handy just in case...
> yep, backup is always good.
> > Thanks to all who have tried to help me through my ordeal over the
> > past week or so. My system feels a bit faster now. Next step for
> > me will be compiling a kernel and packages I use often (which is
> > why I asked all those compilation questions previously).
> did you put reiserfs as a module ?
> my suggestion is to make it include to the kernel.
> as you see, you and i have similiar problem, failed to boot from
> reiser partition.

I am currently using the stock-standard Mandrake 7.2 kernel. I have 
not compiled anything myself yet.

Thank you.

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
        "There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
        LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence."
                -- Jeremy S. Anderson

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