On Saturday 10 February 2001 08:23 am, Romanator wrote:
> Hi all,
> Well, I'm up and running again in KDE2.1 beta 2 - again. For some
> bizarre reason I keep booting to graphical KDM prompt rather than
> auto-logging in as user. What was that file and command for
> auto-login? 

/etc/sysconfig/autologin,  AUTOLOGIN=yes  

Also, once I logged out to console to upgrade to KDE2.1
> beta 2, I was always in console mode and the shutdown command was not
> recognized. I always had to type in "startx". I'm sure it's something
> simple.
> Any thoughts?

    You shouldn't have logged out to upgrade KDE, you should've done it 
within your user desktop from an xterm.
Tom Brinkman             [EMAIL PROTECTED]       Galveston Bay

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