> resolution is 1280 x 1024 .  on a viewsonic 17 inch monitor .
> at 16 bit res .

> admittedly , the res is high , but nothing the 3dfx card
> couldnt handle .

  Perhaps.  But have you ~tried~ a lower res?  You see, it's not
a matter of what any piece of hardware can handle, it's the
driver being used.

  Some coders are either better or more thourough than others, &
there's also the consideration of how the driver installed.  I
mean, we're talking about electomagnetic impulses being
transferred (in this case from CD to hard drive) round.  A minor
electrical surge from your wall outlet has the potential to alter
or even damage those impulses.

  Chances are it's only that the driver is a little less than
stable at 1280x1024.  At any rate, it's worth a shot to work
down, progressively to see if the trouble lies there.


  "I did this 'cause Linux gives me a woody."
  -Dave '-ddt->' Taylor, announcing DOOM for Linux

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