I tried installing 7.2, and when I tried to start linux it showed the login screen with the blocky penguin at the top left, then all picture died.
I guessed it had something to do with my complete shot in the dark guess about my monitor specifications.  I searched the mailing list archives, and I was right, but I still can't guess the right specifications.  I have a Samsung SyncMaster 4Ne (it says that in big letters on the front of my monitor), but the samsung site doesn't awknowledge the existance of something this old.  Original paper documentation for this system was lost during the last ownership - I have never even seen it.
So, does anyone know of an -intelligent- way to go about guessing my monitor specifications?  And, is there a way to change the configuration for the monitor without completely re-installing?  An hour between getting to guess makes guessing completely no fun.

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