Yes I can - thanx !!!!!


Romanator wrote:
> philomena wrote:
> >
> > It was there about 30 minutes ago but 404 now - hopefully someone did
> > save it as somewhere else - it was priceless !
> >
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > >
> > > Guess I missed the boat, I just get error 404
> > >
> > > On Saturday 24 February 2001 13:13, you wrote:
> > > > Maybe this link will help you to unsub:
> > > >
> > > >[EMAIL PROTECTED]/pub/mskb/Q209354.asp
> > > >
> > > > (You're Welcome.)
> > > >
> > > >
> Can you read this attachment?
> --
> Roman
> Registered Linux User #179293
> The Tux email thread creator
>     ---------------------------------------------------------------
> [Microsoft Product Support Services][Image]  All Products  |   Support  |   Search  
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>   HOWTO: Read the Fucking Manual                [Image]
>                                                         Article ID:
>  ----------------------------------------------         Q209354
>  The information in this article applies to:
>                                                         Last
>     * General Lamers                                    Reviewed:
>                                                         February 23,
>  Prerequisites:                                         2000
>     * The ability to Read                               Send to a
>     * Basic Brain Function                              friend
>  ----------------------------------------------         Provided by
>                                                         Microsoft
>  SUMMARY                                                Product
>                                                         Support
>  This article demonstrates how to read the              Services
>  fucking manual, as popularised by the RTFM
>  directive.                                             Send us email
>                                                         --------------
>                                                         Did the
>  After asking a truly pathetic question, you            information
>  are instructed to RTFM:-                               in this
>                                                         article help
>                                                         answer your
>     *** Lamer (~[EMAIL PROTECTED]) has joined            question?
>     #visualbasic
>                                                          I see the
>     [10:24] <Lamer> How do i [Your obvious/lame         light!
>     question]?                                           Not even
>     [10:25] <@oper> RTFM bitch                          close
>                                                          I can't read
>     *** Lamer was kicked by @oper (fuckwit)
>     [10:27] <VBg0d> i made a irc client!!!!!!           Please
>     *** assmaster83                                     provide some
>     (~[EMAIL PROTECTED]) invites you to         more
>     join #animalsex                                     information
>     [10:27] <Guest50468> VBg0d, c00l, i made a          we can ignore
>     webbrowser!!
>  Lameness
>  Step-by-Step Procedures
>     * Locate a Manual, either in printed form
>       or on your MSDN CD's, if you're a
>       punk/bitch/h4x0r and don't have the MSDN
>       collection on disk, view the online
>       version at
>     * Using either the Index or Search
>       feature, locate a keyword relating to
>       you're question/problem
>     * If you're using a printed manual, flip
>       to the page(s) as detailed in your
>       search of the index, alternatively, if
>       you're using the MSDN library, click the
>       link(s) in the search results window.
>     * Read the information. If you have
>       problems understanding the information,
>       read it again. Repeat until
>       enlightenment is achieved.
>  For additional information, please see the
>  following articles in the Microsoft Knowledge
>  Base:
>       Q166392 HOWTO: Read
>       Q147875 HOWTO: Apply for employment
>       with McDonalds
>       Q171146 HOWTO: Convert absolutely
>       everything to XML
>       Q181290 HOWTO: Add a #, + or .Net
>       to your old software to keep it
>       cutting edge
>       Q102496 INFO: How to use the
>       HOWTO's HOWTO document
>  Additional query words: XML l33t fool dumbass
>  lamer monkey semen bigAl[work] Lurve god
>  Version : 1.6¾
>  Platform : Thing to stand on
>  Issue type : Type of Issue
>  Technology : Limited
>         Last Reviewed: February 23, 2000
>     © 2000 Microsoft Corporation. All rights
>             reserved. Terms of Use.
>       New: The SDK for
>                  win64/Itanium

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