Hi Marianne,

On deleting the partitions of linux with the help of partition magic, 1.
you should be in windows, or using the partition magic floppy boot disk
to get to partition magic.

Just highlight the linux ext2 partitions, and delete them.  there are
these big Icons on the bottom of the screen to start that process, or
you can right click on them and an option box will open up asking what
you want to do with the partitions in question.  

after you have deleted the linux partitions, including the "swap"
partition. be sure and click that little green icon in the lower right
hand corner that says "apply changes".

the computer will grind away for another 15 minutes or so, depending on
the speed of your processor, and tada! no more linux partitions!  they
should reallocate to a gray color, being unallocated space.  you can
then resize your windows partition to take up the space, or reinstall
another something in the space.

if the LILO/Grub boot pops up on the screen, and you can't get to
windows....turn the computer off.  start your computer with the windows
emergency boot disk, have it start without cdrom support (on a command
line).  make sure you are at a c:\ prompt not c:\windows
....how do you do  that?  if the command line says c:\windows...type
right after c:\windows cd c:\ and then hit return.  the complete line
you type before return should look like c:\windows cd c:\  ....when you
hit enter you should get a c:\ prompt.

then type fdisk /mbr   the line should look like c:\fdisk /mbr

what this does is ...it sets your computer back to the factory setting
of the master boot record, and wipes out the LILO/Grub mbr boot put
there by linux.  Your computer will start every time with windows from
there on in.

the link for my posting is in the archives of the newbie section of
linux-mandrake (where you signed up for the service)  I assumed because
you signed up for the service, you knew how to get there.   It has all
of the archives of the most recent email conversations.

I really don't know why they are not doing this in a regular newsgroup
situation.  it is really a pain getting all of these emails for every


> Rick,
> You forgot to include the link!
> >>chek out my listing on this newbie page on getting rid of extra boots
> listed!
> cheers!<<
> marianne

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