I was advised once not to use kill -9 if I could get away with using one of
the other signal numbers as it is so 'brutal'. (It was described as 'like
creeping up behind the process and hitting it with an axe'.)

I'm impressed that this option doesn't work and don't know what to suggest



> A) Sometimes kwintv hung and it is impossible to kill it (kill -9 ps or
> killall kwintv doesn't work). If I shutdown the computer every thing
> seems to be OK, but starting the computer again, the partition hdb8
> (/home) is not well umounted and needs to be fixed.
> One time I did: umount /home before to shutdown and the message doesn
> appear when the computer started again, but this is not a good solution,
> If kwintv hang and I like to watch tv I need to shutdown the computer.
> Does anybody know a way to kill efectively kwintv when this occurs?


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