Hi there,

        I am what they call definatly a newbie when it comes to Linux.  I had
obtained the three CD set of Mandrake-Linux version 7.0 with an
autoboot install floppy disk.  This came with NO instructions, just the
CDs and the disk.

        I am having a few questions, so please help me out...

1) I want to do a dialup to the internet using my T-Three account, how
can I set this up?

REASON: I thought when I was installing it, it asked me for a
connection, and I typed in the information of T-Three, the phone
number, username, and password that would allow me to connect.  If that
was the case and I did it right, how do I get there so I can do the

2) How do I install XWindows without opening up my machine?

REASON: I tried doing the XWindows installation that the CDROM prompted
me for, but for no matter what I selected the screen would go blank and
that would be the end of it.  I selected the exact monitor I had and it
still did this.

NOTE: I have a Sony 100SX monitor and I do know (my dad told me) that
the video card has 4mb of RAM.

3) How do I change my configurations?

REASON: For some reason it says when I login under my name that I don't
have the privledges to do such.

4) How do I install StarOffice?

REASON: It is on the third CD, and I know how to get to read the disk
in the /mnt then the /cdrom directory.  I then do an ls and it shows me
the files on the cd.  However it is an RPM file and the RPM --help
doesn't help me much at all.  I think it is trying to write to the CD
and not my root directory.


I do appreciate any help that anyone can get me.  I can only now access
the net using the computers at school and my sisters one, which I
prefer not to do...

Here are some specs of the system:

Pentium 133mhz
80mb RAM
10.2gb hard drive
4X4X32 CDRW drive
4mb Video card (unsure name)
Sony Monitor
ZIP 100 drive
Zoltrix 33.6kbps external modem
HP610CL Deskjet

If you need any other specs, let me know...as I said, I don't want to
open up my machine if possible.

Richard Wegner
Linux Newbie

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