Javier Alvarez wrote:

> I´m a very new user.....
> I trying, anybody help me, am I invisible?
> I have a few problems:
> 1.- My english it´s not very good.
> 2.- I can mount my cd, floppy, .... but when I reboot they are not there.
> 3.- How can I configure my modem? It´s a Zoltrix Rainbow BlueFighter.


(1) As far as your english there isn't anything I can help you with 
there. However, if it's any consolation to you I could understand you 
just fine.

(2) Linux handle drives such as floppies and CDROM's differently then 
windows does, and therefore you must mount those drives at the time when 
you want to use them and unmount them when you're finished. That's 
pretty much standard practice in the Linux environment. There is a 
feature called "automount" but unfortunately it's much more trouble then 
it's worth at this time so I would suggest using it.

Unlike the hard drives that the OS mounts at boot time floppy drives and 
CDROM drives are mounted on demand thusly;

                mount /dev/fd0   (the floppy drive)
        to unmount the floppy drive
                        umount /dev/fd0  ( and yes, that is spelled correctly. It IS 
umount and no 

The CDROM is done the same way. The only difference is you name a 
different device. Namely the CDROM;

                        mount /dev/cdrom
        to unmount      umount /dev/cdrom

That's really all there is to it.

(3) Your modem is an easy affair and when you see how it's done you will 
think you're in windows again. the kppp interface looks and acts a lot 
like the modem config in windows. At the moment I can't recall the 
correct menu items to get to the interface, but you can activate it in a 
terminal window by typing kppp on the command line and hitting <ENTER>.

when the interface comes up you will need to setup the modem. do this by 
clicking on the "setup" button. Supply all the necessary information and 
don't forget to supply your ISP's DNS numbers. The connections work much 
better when they're in there. When you're finished hit the "connect" 
button and you're online.


You know...if my wife were any nicer to me
I'd have to buy a new suite!

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