
I'm 70% complete downloading it right now.....


On Saturday 03 March 2001 13:50, you wrote:
> To all you people!
> I just downloaded 8.0 beta and let me tell you this OS is tighter than a 16
> yr old girl, you guys should check out the new interface, it's outta this
> world, still some bugs but I think the final release is gonna be one of the
> best Mandrakes I've ever seen, a little Windowy but hey what the heck this
> is free and if Microscared don't like they can kiss some daemon a**
> anyways you all should check it out
> Laters
> Julio

Just because I sit in front of a terminal all day doesn't
mean I couldn't hunt you down and rightiously kick your ass
to feed my newfound cannabalism.
                                                anonymous slashdot poster

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