Hello list.

Upon installing the new Beta Mandrake Traktopel 8
release on a system using an AMD K6-400 cpu,
192Mb system ram, S3 Virge video card, 10Gb Quantum harddrive UDMA 33,
with VIA chipset, AWE64 Soundblaster ISA card, a zip250
using the zip zoom card (aic7xxx), an old unix BTC cdrom,
and lastly a Plextor 8/4/32A Cd recorder.

I found the installation went ok in expert mode, one little hang up on 
setting up networking, it would not let you click on yes or no,
BUT, you could bypass this by going on to the next step,
then when it cama back, you could just click on uhh, skip or 
something like that, and do it later after installation finished.

I really liked the option when you booted into expert mode,
it would let you select another cdrom device to go to,
which I did, my faster Plextor drive, altho I had to boot
with the slower drive, but I could just switch drives when
it asked me that.

I had to downgrade sendmail, and tweak apache, 
and kde2's user agent with Konqueror's user agent
is still broken broken broken busted broken busted busted
broken.......BUT other than that, it still was a *very* useable
system and I think I might keep it for awhile until the
stable release comes up.

Good job Mandrake.
Pretty dang good for a beta,
if the beta was that decent, the
stable release ought to kick butt.

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