DRX wrote:
>      I have gone and lost the paper on which I had written
> down what partitions on the hard disk contain which Linux
> partitions.  Is there some way to get informaion about this
> in Linux -- some kind of command I can give, or some kind
> of application I can run?
>      The best thing would be if I could get that
> information in a form that I can understand, preferably
> something like this:
>      /dev/hda5     /          1.2 GB
>      /dev/hda6     /usr       1.2 GB
>      /dev/hda7     /home      650 MB
>      /dev/hda8     /swap      500 MB
>      I understand that this is probably asking way too much
> though, so I'll settle for information about how big the
> partitions are, and what they are called (/dev/hda?).  I
> can probably figure out what they contain just by getting
> information on how big they are.
>                                         DRX

DRX....if you press the control key and while holding it down 
press the f2 key (ctl-f2) the minicli (mini command line 
interface) will launch.  In the minicli window type:


then either press enter or click the run button.  This 
program (kdiskfree) is also in the K-menu under 
applications->monitoring and is listed as diskfree.

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