Dear friends:

The IBM Java Virtual Machine is working flawlessly, so far, in KDE 2.1's
Konqueror. As good and as fast as in Netscape 4.76.

I have one question, for which I believe there is an answer. But, being
a newbie, I think I bet let an expert comment on this and on whether any
of us users really need it.

With the Virtual console on, I get the following message when I launch a
Java applet:

Java VM version: 1.3.0
Java VM vendor:  IBM Corporation
Unable to load JSSE SSL stream handler, https support not available

Now I know that Sun has a free JSSE SSL file that is very easy to

Question 1: Can one install Sun's Java2 JSSE SSL into IBM's Java 2?

question 2: What in the world is JSSE SSL. Do us ordinary users that do
not use servers need it?

Question 3: If JSSE SSL is worth getting, is there an IBM version of
this (probably under a different name). I would obviously prefer
installing the IBM version of JSSE since I am using IBM Java.

I've looked at the IBM site at:

Unfortunately, I need a little (lots!) of help figuring this out.
Hopefully, this will also be use of to other members of the list who are
using IBM's Java.

Thanks so very much.

Sher's Russian Web
Benjamin and Anna Sher

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