On Saturday 10 March 2001 05:41 am, you wrote:

I've had the same problem using 1.3.    I downloaded the Jdk1.2 and it worked 
better.  the java console comes up with no problem.  there's a JDK1.2 with 
the kde2.1 beta2 for mandrake.  Usually at www.kde.org in the unstable 

> Dear friends:
> The IBM Java Virtual Machine is working flawlessly, so far, in KDE 2.1's
> Konqueror. As good and as fast as in Netscape 4.76.
> I have one question, for which I believe there is an answer. But, being
> a newbie, I think I bet let an expert comment on this and on whether any
> of us users really need it.
> With the Virtual console on, I get the following message when I launch a
> Java applet:
> Java VM version: 1.3.0
> Java VM vendor:  IBM Corporation
> Unable to load JSSE SSL stream handler, https support not available
> Now I know that Sun has a free JSSE SSL file that is very easy to
> install.
> Question 1: Can one install Sun's Java2 JSSE SSL into IBM's Java 2?
> question 2: What in the world is JSSE SSL. Do us ordinary users that do
> not use servers need it?
> Question 3: If JSSE SSL is worth getting, is there an IBM version of
> this (probably under a different name). I would obviously prefer
> installing the IBM version of JSSE since I am using IBM Java.
> I've looked at the IBM site at:
> http://www7b.boulder.ibm.com/wsdd/wspvtdevkit-info.html
> Unfortunately, I need a little (lots!) of help figuring this out.
> Hopefully, this will also be use of to other members of the list who are
> using IBM's Java.
> Thanks so very much.
> Benjamin

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