> On Monday 05 March 2001 03:57, you wrote:
> > I don't see what good 'talk' is.

> Apparently other people can't either, which is why we have
> proprietary ICQ protocol clients and servers etc.

  While I've not been using Linux more than a couple of years,
I'd started back in later '94/early '95 with shell accounts in
either SysV or FreeBSD boxes.  Each had talk, & I liked it.
Later, I found ytalk.  It works a little better & supports a few
more features.

  Maybe I'm getting old (though I've always been a bit
misanthropic;-), but when it comes to communication, I prefer a
text-based deal.  I don't chat much, but I've tried some of the
gui apps, & some of the avatar systems on the Web.  All in all, I
prefer ytalk.

  But I've not taken the time to figure out why talk isn't
cooperative either in lm7.2 or in RH 6.0.  It wouldn't be so bad
if talk actually worked -- primitive as it is -- but I, for one,
haven't figured out why it just sits & times out even when set up
on the boxes where the people are.


  "I did this 'cause Linux gives me a woody."
  -Dave '-ddt->' Taylor, announcing DOOM for Linux

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